Q: Who are you?
A: My Nickname is Vivi, I'm 19 years old and I am an Amateur Artist and Animator.
I'm currently animating "2P!talia: The Series" and also other small Hetalia related projects.
If everything works like I plan it you will be able to see a full 2P!Hetalia Movie at the end of 2016 according to my Series.
Q: What is 2P!talia?
A:2P means Player 2. It is a concept created by the original creator of Hetalia, Himaruya. Originally it was a different color palette and/or a different character design for the Nyotalia characters. Fans have created more 2P versions of the regular characters. Most 2P Characters are supposed to be the "dark side" of the original. Some, however, are the opposites of the original. (You can read it on Hetalia Wiki~)
Q: When will the next Episode be released?
A: I work on it the most of my time but I can't tell. I give my best to release it as soon as possible.