Promoting Torah knowledge and practice, for all who wish to know the one and only G-d, our Heavenly Father and Creator, the G-d of Israel. Offering counter-missionary material, confronting attempts by those who wish to convert our people to Christianity, especially preying on the unlearned and unaffiliated among us. Showing what the Torah and Hebrew Bible states, vs what the often poorly translated keyverses in Christian Bibles, and textual manipulation used to influence our brothers. *** Promoviendo el conocimiento de la Torah y Judaismo y su practica, para todo aquel que quiera conocer del Di-s de Israel, nuestro Padre Celestial, y aclarar segun la Torah las muchas distorciones y doctrinas erradas basadas en malas traducciones en las Biblias Cristianas y manipulaciones textuales. Meterial anti-misionero, enfrentando a los que tratan de convertir a nuestro pueblo al cristianismo, especialmente a los ignorantes y extraviados entre nuestro pueblo.