Om Soen TV or OS TV is a YouTube channel for sharing educational content due to natural science, especially dealing with animals. Educational content in this channel is expected to improve the knowlegde and literacy as well as to entertain all Om Soen TV viewers/ subscribers. Videos in this channel are grouped into playlists, i.e. 1. Info Singkat Hewan #Shorts, 2. Fakta Umum Hewan #faktahewan, 3. Fakta Khusus Hewan #faktaunikhewan 4. Penjelasan Kehidupan Hewan #kehidupanhewan 5. Ilmuwan dan Referensi #ilmuwan #referensi 6. Serba-serbi Hewan 7. Petualangan Hewan #petualangandialam 8. Konten Sains Umum
#omsoentv #ostv