This channel features mainly Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), supplemented by Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, western boxing, and for the flight dimension of the fight-or-flight survival response - running and obstacle course racing.
My FMA background includes Rapido Realismo Kali (under Grandmaster Henry Espera and Batikang Guro Isagani Abon), Modern Arnis, and some limited Pekiti Tirsia Kali and Dekiti Tirsia Siradas. I was first introduced to FMA during a medical mission in Singcang, Bacolod, Negros Occidental in my younger years through Tuhon Baldwin "Nonoy" Garrucho of Sundangan Baneg PTK and Mandatus Samuel Ibe of Mantas Daga.
This account is not meant to serve as a tutorial or instructional channel, as I feel I am drawn to the more artful side than the combative or sport aspect of Filipino Martial Arts.