Corporations own governments. It is pretty obvious now that corporations are buying and selling countries. Just like Joe citizen cannot afford to fund a court case against a multi-national corporation, well neither can many western governments afford to do the same. Global cities are captured markets & citizens are imprisoned consumers. Corporations have been given the same status as a man and as such, they have usurped men. Individual rights are not subject to any public vote. A collective group of people have no right to vote away the rights of an individual. Fascism and communism are not two opposites.
Our data is OUR copyright and if corporations want to use it then they should have to pay over the odds for it for it. Passports asking for bio-metric data are basically blackmailing people who want to travel. It is fraudulent to say the least.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem"
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery - Monticello