in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
This is the true source behind Trump's power, influence, and illusion of wealth. This is how and why Trump has been able to get multitudes of people to worship him.
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I'd like to give shout outs to two brothers in Christ that deserve a lot more traffic than what they are getting. So check out these two if you have doubts about Saul of Tarsus/Paul being a true apostle and possibly sent to test followers of the Son of the Most High. The first is a Youtube channel called Jesus' Words Only (Doug Del Tondo) with the second being and a blog site run by Ron Gray called: Words of Jesus - Christianity from a Jesus Words only perspective. This is the link to it.
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Christ gave us many warnings so that we would be able to recognize Saul of Tarsus as being a wolf in sheep's clothing. One such warning was that we should not believe someone that claims to have seen him in the desert - which Paul claimed to have done. The second is that he would not drink wine or take part in the Passover meal until they (the apostles) were together in his father's Kingdom. Paul though claims to have taken part in and learned about "the Last Supper" from the Christ himself.
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Republican candidate Dr. Oz held an event in front of a car once owned by Hitler shown complete with Nazi insignias. So the GOP and MAGA supporters are proudly trumpeting their Christian White Nationalist agenda. And far too many high profile pastors are supporting these candidates. The GOP should be rebranded as the Party of Christian Heretics (PCH).
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The Republican party in the US calls itself the Christian party. So I am going to assume that the guy running for office in this video is a Christian. And I bring this up because I have stated in a good number of my youtube videos that the Anti-Christ will rise out of Protestantism. And I have also stated that God's wrath described as being poured out in Revelation 6 is due to the wickedness of Christians, and not unbelievers.
Just imagine an entire political party made up of Christians like this. And if many Republicans had their way, there would only be this one party in the US.
The End Times are upon us. And Christians are the reason that we are about to see the 7 seals opened and Yahweh and the Lamb's wrath poured out.
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I have been saying for more than a decade that the AntiChrist, the False Prophet, and the Beast will rise out of Protestantism and that they will use the Protestant Bible and Christianity to deceive the masses into creating the NWO. This is becoming more and more evident as we watch the Christian right in the U.S. embrace a political party that is intent on eradicating any party and anyone opposing them. These people hold a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, claiming they are doing God's work.
Sad. Very very sad how easily Christians are being deceived.
Sad, but predictable.
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There is mounting evidence that symptoms of covid-19 can re-manifest even after appearing to have been defeated. Just one more reason for getting vaccinated.
Christians who promote the lie that the vaccine is connected to the mark of the beast should consider themselves responsible for many of the unvaccinated deaths due to covid.
More Christians need to speak out against the fear mongering coming from the Christian right. Because their lack of spiritual discernment coupled with poor interpretation of scripture is leading many Christians to an early grave.
Believers should be rebuking false prophets and teachers who claim the vaccine is somehow connected to the mark of the beast.
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I am a theistic evolutionist. This means I accept the traditional theory of evolution and a billion yr old earth, and don't see it conflicting with scripture.
I also believe a large portion of God's word was not included in the bible during the canon process.
And I believe, without question, that both John the Baptist and Jesus were part of the third major religious sect operating at the time of their ministries. This third religious sect was known as the Essenes.
Something that may offend many Christians is that I also believe there are falsehoods in scripture for the purpose of testing us, and that Paul was a apostle of Satan.
I am presently active on Facebook and can be found in the groups with the links provided. The group TrustinJC318 was started by myself for the purpose of discussing all things related to both canonical and non-canonical scripture, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essenes, keeping the Torah, keeping the Sabbath holy, Paul being a false apostle, and much more.