Do you feel lone? Do you wanna be alone sometimes? Do you want to go somewhere other than what you are familiar with but have no time? If you do, please join my channel.I would like to tell you how joyous it is to experience walking on new roads and leave all your trouble behind. Let's put all your unsolved matters behind and join my travel. This is an express ticket to happiness.
Do you like to walk?
If you do, you may hear questions like this.
"What's your purpose?"
"What do you want to achieve?"
I have a question for them.
why should I?
I just walk because I like to walk.
That's all.
If you feel, what I feel
You are not alone
Please join my journey
You don't have to do anything but walk.
No one will ask a question why
Please enjoy your stay, while you're with my walk.