Jason L. Morton is a REALTOR® & certified LGBT Business Enterprise who specializes in empowering first-time buyers & sellers in the Charlotte region to make life-changing real estate moves. A native North Carolinian, Jason is originally from Jacksonville, NC, & has been a Charlotte area resident since 2014. As you will see in his videos, Jason loves living here! So much that he plans on staying until retirement. He enjoys the food, climate, & the location, being just a few hours from the mountains & the beach. There is really not a better place to live! You will learn from him everything you need to know when it comes to leveraging the power of real estate to help you successfully achieve your life’s big goals.
- Visit me at: www.jasonlmorton.com
- I publish new videos every week - subscribe for updates!
- To reach me, email Jason at realestate@jasonlmorton.com, or call 910.382.6589.