Welcome. Please call me TeAnna. Here on this channel the focus is on origional scriptural translations of the New Testament found in William Tyndales NT and Genenva 1560 bibles. The rightly dividing of scripture, reading, exortation, comfort and admonishment, the use of scripture even the study of some eschetology especially surrounding the Harpazo/Rapture and God's calendar.
There is nothing of men's religions here unless as a point or admonishment based on scripture.
Also, tidbits of news that could be tied to scripture and eschetology.
All information shared here of my beliefs through scripture and faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, soon to be KING of kings and LORD of lords, Whom IS the Great I AM, ruler and finisher of my faith. My beliefs shared here are not of any company or entity of whom I might be affiliated with, they may present their own.
Questions and comments may be sent to faithfilledsight3@gmail.com
If I have not posted in weeks, I got a strike .