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Beacon Church

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Welcome to the Beacon Church YouTube Channel where we seek t

Let's examine our lives and see where we need to root out #hypocrisy We live in the strength of #God #God carries through the entirety of our lives #God promises to be with us in the trials Cultivating #gratitude Encouraging Trust in #Christ #God Transforms Us Into His Child When we trust #Jesus we are accepted and transformed immediately and forever Often our best action to take is to #pray for those we care about Being a Witness for #Jesus in Everyday Life The Mighty #God Who Can Do More God's Love Through #Jesus #Jesus Our Wonderful Counselor You can know #Jesus today!! Reconciliation with #God was the reason Jesus came to earth The birth of #Jesus is a beautiful mystery Have you surrendered to Jesus this #Christmas season? It is never to early or too late to be used by #God We can trust the promises of God this #Christmas #Christmas #Christmas ultimately brings reconciliation with God #Christmas ultimately brings reconciliation with God Thanksgiving testimonies of the faithfulness of #Jesus in our lives Thanksgiving testimonies of the faithfulness of #Jesus in our lives When we follow #Jesus He fights for us Legalism and our works can't save us, only faith in #Jesus can save us #Jesus gives us everything and He is never far away Pray for our missionaries as they reach people for #Jesus Pray for our missionaries as they reach people for #Jesus We can not go anywhere that God's #grace can not reach We find our #purpose in serving, not in obtaining things We sin and #Jesus is faithful in forgiving us when we repent We can all bring people to #Jesus so they can know Him Casual to meaningful to #spiritual We can grow in our knowledge of #Jesus God lavishes us with His #grace The joy and #compassion of a father The mercy and #grace of God #childlikefaith #humility #humility Jesus calls us not to have a judgmental heart toward others #nonjudgmental Jesus helps with our anxiety #humility Wait for God's timing The Word of God is a weapon against temptation He Loves Us Are we reflecting him to others? We belong to Jesus