in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey guys, it's been awhile on this channel. Hope you're all doing alright and if you're still subscribed, I appreciate it. Gonna try and not make this a super long post (lol). I've been having a hard time wanting to produce anything content wise whether it would be here or even a stream. I've mentioned it a lot recently but it's really just been a depression thing or lack of motivation. Been having a hard time with life in general in the last year, as I'm sure a good amount of you have also with how things have been going. Regardless, Tales of Arise is coming out in around two months and I still do want to make a series out of it, so hopefully this funk I'm in won't prevent that. I can't say I can fully guarantee it with how I've been recently, but it's something I'd like to do.
The main issue with that would be, getting back into recording isn't as simple for me as just turning the game on and recording. Especially after so long, it's probably gonna be a little rough for me to get into a mindset of recording again but I do miss this honestly. I like to stream, but I think it's probably easier for me to not having to stress over a chat if it's something I'd like to upload, which kinda contradicts what I wrote in a previous update. Now that I've tried it, it felt a bit weird I suppose for me. I may still do it at times but probably would prefer doing things on my own I think I've come to realize.
Sorry though, I realize I'm making this post rather long even though I said I would try not to. I may try in the near future to post something new and probably an update to get a video out for those that miss this. I'm not gonna make promises that this will definitely happen, but I'm going to try that soon. I have a game in mind at the moment, since I felt like I should try to do something new but I'm not gonna say what it is at the moment. I'm trying to figure out short projects that won't be a big commitment since I don't feel like I'm fit for that right now, so if you have suggestions of short games you think I would enjoy, feel free to let me know of some. But yea, maybe expect something soon. I appreciate everyone who has come by and watched old projects on the channel recently. I still read every comment and I'm glad some old projects are still enjoyable for people. Thanks for reading if you did. I appreciate it. Take care for now.
168 - 27
Hey guys, it's been a little bit since the last update so just wanted to throw one more at you. First of all, thanks for all the feedback on the previous post and the poll. It's helped me out a lot on making decisions moving forward. It's been over 10 years at this point since I started Let's Playing and I do think I've reached a point where I'm not getting the same enjoyment out of videos as I used to. And it may just be that I've been doing the same format basically for the entire time. Small things have changed but it's mostly stayed the same and I think that's affected my enthusiasm to continue. I think in the end, I do find more enjoyment these days from just turning on a stream and playing a game. In saying that, there are still games I would like to make a personal playthrough, such as Tales of Arise in the future, but for the most part I think I am going to end up moving towards streaming more than recording.
I know a lot of people can't make streams usually since I stream at an unusual time, but I am going to start doing casual playthroughs of games pretty soon that will be recorded and uploaded on the channel for everyone that are interested. One thing doing that is I wanted to minimalize alerts a bit because I do care about alienating viewers on Youtube. A lot of people really only know me from my Youtube content and I don't want a VOD of a stream be hard to watch for you guys because I have a bunch of alerts and messages going off and junk. In the end, I'm a relatively small content creator and so I want the content to be easily viewable for everyone so I don't think people will mind that much on stream that alerts aren't a huge deal. I'm sure you'll see how they'll be when I start posting some new stuff, but they're relatively subdued.
Some other things is that chat will be viewable just in case I respond to something and you need context. Hopefully that won't be too much of an issue but it usually isn't. Again, considering my size, I don't think it'll be a big deal. I've also been posting a video for when I go live on my Youtube but I may stop doing that soon since VODs will start being posted. Unsure on if it's ever made a difference or not tbh. If you think I should keep it, let me know. But yea, with that said, sorry. I know some people want content a certain way but there are also plenty of content creators to watch and listen to that I'm sure are far more capable than myself. I think for now, this is just something I want to do. I can't please everyone but at least trying to meet in the middle. I'm not really sure what this means for Ys VIII at the moment. I might finish it on stream but again, not entirely sure. But yea, that's about it. Maybe expect some stuff soon. Thanks for listening and for the feedback. If you have more, feel free to leave it and I appreciate you. If you haven't yet, feel free to follow my twitch. Link will be below. Thank you again if you read all of this and for watching my junk. You're epic and I love you.
97 - 7
Hey, it's been a few weeks since the last upload so just wanted to make an update. First off, sorry for the delays on Ys VIII. I had originally spread out these first 19 episodes over awhile due to needing to help out my mother for around a month. Been back for a bit, but I also dipped into my savings recently and got a new computer, which is why I've been streaming a bit more. Have had the same computer for around 9 years so it was much needed honestly. I haven't really been recording as of yet because I haven't really set things up for recording and it'll probably be a bit more difficult to get things together than it was with streaming. Especially so cause I basically lost my access to photoshop and audition which I used regularly for my thumbnails and audio. So that's creating a bit of an issue currently.
So with that, I've been thinking about what to do. Audition isn't really a necessity, though I did really like editing my audio. Photoshop is pretty necessary for thumbnails so either gotta find an alternative or just pay the monthly fee. I dunno yet. I'd rather not do another monthly fee right now but gonna just think about it. I had a lot of what I was using from school and I couldn't find any way to transfer it over so it was probably the biggest bummer about switching computers. So that's been kinda hindering me to get back into it.
Though all that isn't the only reason I'm making this update. I also just wanted to ask a question. I mean, I'm obviously not a big content creator but I appreciate the ones who have stuck around and I'm attached to this channel. I'm attached to making videos a certain way and I suppose, I'm curious how people feel about uploaded vods from streams. Say if I did a playthrough on twitch, how would you feel about it uploaded? I did it a couple times but never really finished them or dove deep into it but it's been in my head recently cause I feel like it'd be an easier way to get things on the channel but I also feel like it alienates the people who just prefer to watch things on youtube, especially with chat interaction in the middle of the videos. I'd like the get some sort of stream overly I could use for all the streams though to add chat but I'd have to look into that or ask for help. A lot of the playthroughs I do I feel like they REQUIRE editing, like cutting out fights and messing with audio and junk but it also makes the process take a lot longer. So, maybe I'll add a poll on this just to see how people feel. I'd like to post more consistently but I think at the end of the day, I want this to be fun for me and I think it's easier and more fun to stream than it is to just makes videos. But I want to hear what you guys prefer as well, I suppose.
So I guess that's it. If you could let me know, I'd appreciate it. I've been thinking of actually doing a Legendia playthrough on stream and maybe a Ys marathon. I feel like those could be fun but nothing set in stone right now. I'd just like some honest opinions on it. Anyway, thanks for reading this even though it's so long. I appreciate it and take care.
36 - 17
Hey, I kinda forgot this existed until now, but I figured I would make one of these to give a small update. It's been a bit over a month since I finished Cold Steel 2 and honestly just been taking another break after that. I ended up putting a lot of energy into a single month to finally get it all finished because I felt like I owed that to everyone who had been waiting for so long. It took far longer to get finished than I ever would've wanted it to, so I'm sorry. And that isn't really the game's fault honestly, but just the motivation for doing Youtube and videos has been really low. I will also say my own self esteem has been at an all time low as well recently, so I just genuinely haven't had as much confidence with putting myself out there and making videos. With a few more things added in and of course, the pandemic, it's just been a weird time. I hope you're all staying safe and healthy, by the way!
As for what's to come, well I have actually been trying to get back some motivation. I'm working on a new project at the moment, though I can't really guarantee it's quality. I'm trying to fight back the depressing junk by just sitting down and working on it. It's just also been a bit hard looking for a game I really wanted to play that wasn't over 100 hours long. I need a break from that kind of a commitment, though the game I am working on is decently long itself. I was trying to find something around 20 hours long so it would be a quick and easy comeback playthrough for a confidence boost, but nothing really stuck out as I looked around for one.
Regardless though, I've already pretty much said what it is on twitter, but for those who don't follow me there, it'll be out probably soon. I don't expect it to be something for everyone and I will also just say that it's not Trails of Cold Steel 3 or another Tales game. I know people have asked me a lot for Cold Steel 3 specifically, but I feel like I can't make that commitment just yet, knowing how long the game is. Sorry for that. I also just want to say thank you for those who have continued to support me on patreon, despite not really receiving anything in return and the drought of content on my end. I do genuinely appreciate it as times have been rather tough as of late. I don't feel good accepting money when nothing is releasing, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't help out right now. Anyway, thank you again. Hopefully will be uploading again within a week or two if I stay consistent with recording. Take care and keep well!
106 - 20
Hey again. Just wanted to throw an update out there apologizing for the past few weeks without any videos. I've been taking a small break from recording. I kind of lost my drive for it a bit, which has led to me putting my free time more into streaming than into recording. I feel bad that I haven't really given any sort of update on this though, so I'm sorry about that. I think after taking a few weeks though, I'm ready to jump back on. It may not be an every single day thing, but I'd like to get back into it proper. .hack will continue, but I'm also planning on starting something new, which may be a bit crazy/dumb. Recently, I just finished out a Cold Steel save file for the PC and I'm planning on jumping on a Cold Steel 2 LP when it releases, so look forward to that soon if you're interested. Beyond that, that's about it. If you're looking for where I've been, you can check out my twitch page at Thanks and have a great day. :)
62 - 9
Hey there. I remembered this is a new thing so I figured I should use it for a time like this. Just want to give a small apology for videos being slow on my end. For those who don't follow me on twitter, recently got a job that pretty much took away the times when I record. Need to work around it to get things out. Appreciate it if you've been checking out .hack though. I've been meaning on making an update video about all this but just haven't really. This may affect future games that I do, but we'll see. Thanks again. Happy Holidays.
58 - 15
Hey guys, TalesOfCreed here and welcome to my channel for Let's Plays!
- - Current Let's Play Projects:
Scarlet Nexus
- - Completed Projects:
Check out my playlists to see what projects I've completed so far
- - Upcoming Projects and News:
Tales of Arise