Hi my name is Christine L Conroy - USING POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY to help you make the rest of your life, the best of your life. Author of the book, Stitch your own Silver Linings and motivational public speaker!
Did you know that happy people are more successful in relationships, in marriage, business, working lives - they are healthier AND they live longer! We need to get happy!
I believe that life really is too short to live it any other way than fulfilled and flourishing. MAKE THIS PART OF YOUR LIFE THE BEST PART OF YOUR LIFE. Are you ready to do this with me? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and remember TO HIT THE LITTLE BELL to be notified about NEW VIDEOS ONCE A WEEK - I don't want you to miss a thing! If you want to know more about successful ageing - go here
CONTACT: Christine@conroycoaching.com
Bradshaw House,
105/7 Turton Road,
Bolton BL7 0PZ