Fame in heaven comes by hearing & doing God's will. Gene could be famous for some things. It's been written in a Hollywood movie. He was a motorcycle jumper, heavy weight boxer & more. Gene's father is the subject of THE ODD COUPLE movie. His real Father Ernie Nevers has fame in 3 Professional Sports he invented the hook shot; Pitched to Babe Ruth; Saved the NFL & has the oldest 4 NFL records. Ernie was a first inductee to the NFL Hall of Fame. George Clooney made a movie; Leatherheads about him. Gene's GREATEST privilege is HEARING God's voice in his mind, & how life SAVING that has become instead of fists. Jesus will help us rise above offenses, grudges, bitterness, etc. if we really became a Christian to be Holy. We need Shepherd's that can feed us with understanding so ALL THINGS in our life work for good. We can know JESUS, & master satan, & be our brothers keeper. JESUS HAS ANSWERS to the tests we go through in life. So we can be famous for Loving Our Father & His Children.
Fame in heaven comes by hearing & doing God's will. Gene could be famous for some things. It's been written in a Hollywood movie. He was a motorcycle jumper, heavy weight boxer & more. Gene's father is the subject of THE ODD COUPLE movie. His real Father Ernie Nevers has fame in 3 Professional Sports he invented the hook shot; Pitched to Babe Ruth; Saved the NFL & has the oldest 4 NFL records. Ernie was a first inductee to the NFL Hall of Fame. George Clooney made a movie; Leatherheads about him. Gene's GREATEST privilege is HEARING God's voice in his mind, & how life SAVING that has become instead of fists. Jesus will help us rise above offenses, grudges, bitterness, etc. if we really became a Christian to be Holy. We need Shepherd's that can feed us with understanding so ALL THINGS in our life work for good. We can know JESUS, & master satan, & be our brothers keeper. JESUS HAS ANSWERS to the tests we go through in life. So we can be famous for Loving Our Father & His Children.