in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
:) I will keep doing it... !! You will not believe how difficult it was to record audio because of so many fighting scenes... So many people were around and thought I was fighting with someone :P
241 - 47
Be ready to meet Pandora... The story is going to enter in sun loves moon Arc 3 this week... this was most difficult arc for me to create coz It will be emotional rollercoaster 🎢
237 - 41
I am editing the next episode!!
I am trying to short the next arc as much as possible.
Last night I didn't liked whatever I recorded... I kept thinking of the way, finally it came to my mind now 😅
249 - 37
❤️तेरे वजूद की खुशबू बसी है मेरी साँसों में, ये और बात है कि नजर से दूर रहते हो तुम।- zhan
❤️तुझसे दूर रहकर कुछ यूँ वक़्त गुजारा मैंने, ना होंठ हिले फिर भी तुझे पल-पल पुकारा मैंने।- yibo
224 - 12
कभी करते है ज़िंदगी की तमन्ना
तो कभी मौत का इंतज़ार करते है
वो हमसे क्यों दूर है पता नहीं
जिन्हे हम ज़िंदगी से भी ज़्यादा प्यार करते है ।- Xiao Zhan
पहली मोहब्बत थी और हम जान न सके,
ये प्यार क्या होता है पहचान न सके,
हमने उन्हें दिल में बसाया है इस कदर,
दिल से निकालना चाहा तो निकाल न सके। - Wang Yibo
248 - 11
My heart starts racing every time I see you. I love the feeling of being loved by you. I'm so addicted to you and the way you love me. My favorite place to be is in your arms. Words are not enough to explain how much I love you.
- Wang Yibo
265 - 5
This is Urwaxi!! I am ZSWW Wangxian Fan Fujoshi!! I love to write and tell stories of my dream world.
💆 This is a drunkard ZhanYi/ ZSWW Storyteller's Imaginary Land.🍾😵
👩🎤 Stories written by me (Zhanyi)
2. Value of Love ♥️ (VoL)
3. Legend of Yiling (LoY) 🏞️
4. Soulmate 📓
5. Romance beneath heavens 🐲 (RBH)
6. Tale of Shanghai (ToS )💍
7. Sun loves Moon (SLM) 🕴️ - The beginning
8. Sun loves Moon (SLM )- The Conclusion
9. Love Confession (LC)🍒
10. King's weird wifey (Kww)🦁
(Edited by me)
11. Zhanyi version of Dream with Eyes Open
I also wrote the Yizhan version which is #1
1. ➡️🤦Meeting!😂 : It will make you ROFL hard so beware!
What kind of reader I am::
Oh, I am interested in fluff fantasy with lots of romance!! Crave fairytales related to Handsome Xiao Zhan and Beautiful Wang Yibo!! 💅
More than reading, I like watching Anime and Dramas.
My preference:
MDZS: I prefer WangXian
The Untamed web series: I prefer Zhanyi, Xianwang!