My main channel is Kankiub (with one 'i') so go check out my videos there! I'm far more active there than here, and this channel only exists because my main one got hacked into the other day lol but recently I've recovered it, so now I'm mainly using that one to upload animations and other stuff I make :D
Ps. If you dont already know who I am,
I go by many names, such as Howett/Joe/Eli/Kan, so please address me with what you first knew me by.
My pronouns are they/them and I'm from Malaysia.
Pps. I don't tolerate any harsh language or harrassment on my channels, please refrain from using slurs even if you can reclaim them, please keep the nsfw to a reasonable amount, and please please rather than fighting someone in the comments section, report them instead. Cursing is allowed idk go bonkers
Ppps. if I ever so happen to make any mistakes, do tell me and I will take action immediately!
I'm not perfect and you shouldn't expect me to be. Let's all learn to be better together :)