VARIJA is a leading name in the Indian fashion segment. VARIJA Design Studio under designer Varija Bajaj retails through 40 multi-brand stores pan-India….apart from her flagship store in Defence Colony,New Delhi.
VARIJA HOME under Varija Bajaj caters to constructional and interior needs with high level of customisation for clients who want to make a fashion statement with decor.
Under Varija Life, Varija Bajaj has been involved in awareness programmes for persons with disabilities pan India. BE THE CHANGE is an awareness campaign that focuses on inclusion of physically and mentally challenged. Targeting the youth the campaign emphasises on recognising abilities of the disabled .
Being a successful entrepreneur, in an unorganized fashion sector, she is now a case study in ISB Hyderabad, the most reputed B-schools of the country. She is a mentor in over 15 colleges across the country like BD Somani-Mumbai,FMS-Delhi,Satyam-Delhi.She is also on the advisory board of Amity University and In