Well, here is some information about me.
I startet playing guitar when I was 13 years old. I always wanted to get a famous drummer, but due to the loudness and stresslevel my parents decided to buy me a guitar.
If this was the better option, i cannot tell, but during my childhood I played and played and played. In the last years I only played from time to time.
My greatest Idols during my learning process were Slash, John Fruiscante and Tom Morello. true, these guys aren't the best, but somehow really special.
The time in my last band at hamburg was great, and another member has opened my mind about music. Atm there is a bunch of Musicians, that really impress me. First of all Peter Gabriel. Than there is Muse and of course (tom morello) Audioslave.
I am looking for a new band, so if you are from cologne germany, feel free to contact me. (If you are from elsewhere, contact me too!)