in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
A little of tapping every day adds up to A LOT over time.
Come tap with me -
#unitedtaps #tapdance #tapdanceteacher #tapteacher #tapdance #tapdancelessons #tapdanceclass
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Make cleaning dances more fun...
#unitedtaps #tapdance #tapdanceteacher #tapteacher #tapdance #tapdancelessons #tapdanceclass
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It's better to get a step down well before you try to speed it up. Increasing speed amplifies rhythmic and sound quality issues, so start slow and make it sound good before you speed up.
Want to have fun, look great and feel great?
Tap dance with me -
#unitedtaps #tapdance #tapdanceteacher #tapteacher #tapdance #tapdancelessons #tapdanceclass
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Just a shuffle a day helps keep brain fog away!
We've got the perfect starter package for you here -…
#unitedtaps #tapdance #tapdanceteacher #tapteacher #tapdance #tapdancelessons #tapdanceclass
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Across the floor combos, tap dictionary & syllabus, practice exercises & more at
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Tap Teacher Tip #2 - A fun way to spice up class and foster connections between the students.
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Tomorrow - our new "Singing in the Rain" beginner tap dance choreography will be available for your tapping pleasure.
You're going to have so much fun...
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Need across the floor combinations? We've got tons of them here -…
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Tap dance lessons that make you look and feel great.
United Taps offers tap dance tutorials and lessons including a tap dance dictionary, syllabus, lessons, workouts, and combinations for beginners, intermediate, and advanced tap dancers.
United Taps produces tap dance lessons and tutorials that help adults learn how to tap dance. We also provide ready-to-go tap dance material for tap teachers including a tap dictionary & syllabus, practice exercises, across-the-floor combinations, choreography, and more.
Adults, if you want to get in better shape, boost your mood, improve your sleep, strengthen your body and sharpen your mind - then our tap dance videos are made just for you! We make tap dancing fun and easy to follow. We teach steps slowly and film from behind so that you're never frustrated or lost. We have adults up in their 80's tap dancing with us so you are never too old to get started. In fact, you want to start tap dancing now so you don't miss any more fun.