Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi,' AT-TAQWA MASJID ' is a YouTube channel with a vision to preach authentic Islam, which is purely based on Qur'an and Sunnah. In this channel, we share the videos of the programs of AT-TAQWA MASJID.
We don't support any kind of violence or violent act in the name of Islam. Our goal is to spread the authentic teachings and the pure knowledge of Islam. We aspire to make everyone a better Muslim with authentic Islamic knowledge. To err is Human. If you find anything false in our videos, feel free to contact us on our Facebook page.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: We allow everyone translates our content and shares our videos in the social media but WE DO NOT ALLOW OTHERS TO UPLOAD OUR VIDEOS IN THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
Video Footage: All footage used in our videos are licensed to AT-TAQWA MASJID Media and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos (without permission from the original owner of the stock footage or images)
Jazakumullahu khairan