-I will be subbing and uploading videos of SJM to this channel
-Please do not take the videos and upload them to your channel I would like these videos to stay in this channel only
-I try to be fast with the subbing but I do have a life that I must tend to
-There will be no bashing of SJM, although I myself am an ONLY13 supporter, i also give my support to SJM, there's no need to be mean
-If there's something (in Chinese) that you'd like for me to sub, request for it, when requesting:
+leave me a comment of the video that you want me to sub with a download link
+if i accept your video the name of the video and the requesters SN will be listed under 'requests' and in the playlist section titled 'requests'
+I will send you a msg when it is done
+requests may be done at different time frames, do not rush me
+please do not have harsh feelings if I reject your request
-translations/other video related thing, go to my personal website