Hello 👋Youtube MVP is a Call of Duty clan Blackmacheesemo started in 2011. Over the years, he's trained 150 members from an average cod player that gets 20 kills or less into a player that averages 35 to 45 kills per game. In MVP currently we've had 5 Captains three of which were promoted to Generals, 73 Lieutenants and the rest are members that help strengthens are bond and determination. Despite Blackmaheeesemo being the founder he decided to start off at member to see how the ranks system worked, eventually becoming the second captain of MVP 3rd Gen of (2013) & 4th Gen of (2014 to 2015). Furthermore, Cheesemo Became 3rd Captain of our Sniping Division MVS in (2018) becoming the first member to be captain in two divisions. Therefore, what you'll achieve here better than any other clan is purpose, value, training and guidance on becoming a true leader that would carry this 10th anniversary clan to its goal of becoming the best clan in Call of Duty. Lastly, we do Yugioh content here!!