Neven Paar had a full Kundalini awakening and a permanent transformation of consciousness in 2004. He spent the ensuing years studying the esoteric arts, including the Qabalah, Ceremonial Magick, Astrology, Tarot, Hermeticism, Alchemy, and other related subjects, while cross-referencing the Kundalini. In 2019, he published the body of these Western Mysteries teachings in "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn." The following 2.5 years he spent mastering Yoga and Tantra while working on his next book, "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium," which has taken the Kundalini community by storm, making Neven's work a global phenomenon. This book is being recognized as "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential," with two-dozen translations and many more to come. In 2024, Neven plans to publish "Serpent Rising II: Kundalini in the Ancient World. His two books, including the different translations available, can be found on his website at