Hello - Hello!
I welcome you on my chanall! I'm really glad to see you here!
So, some words about me:
Name: Irene
Birthday: 4th of January
Vidding since : 2010
My main fandoms:
Harry Potter
Star Wars
The Vampire Diaries
Doctor Who
I ship:
Damon & Elena (TVD)
Anakin & Padme (Star Wars)
Han & Leia (Star Wars)
Harry & Ginny (Harry Potter)
Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter)
James & Lilly (Harry Potter)
Lupin & Tonks (Harry Potter)
Ten & Rose (DW)
Amy & Rory (DW)
Eleven & River (DW)
Natasha & Klint ( Avengers)
Thor & Jane (Thor)
Tony & Pepper (Iron Man)