Hi, my name is Alison. I have things to say.
I've spent most of my life researching femininity and masculinity and the relationship between the two. From animal behaviour, our nearest relatives, our evolutionary and social history. I conclude that our current model is flawed. Men have not constructed patriarchy for their benefit at women's expense.
Disagree? Ask yourself when men decided to care about women? In the 1800s when Charles Focault invented feminism? The 60s? 2 years ago? What's more likely, that feminism invented men caring about women, or that feminism exploits the care men always had?
The relationship between men and women is more uplifting than we allow ourselves to see, it's the foundation civilization rests on and it's the source of what's good in us.
We deserve better than coarse, mean-spirited dogma defining men as oppressive and women as victims.
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