Wildlife Emergency Call 8824-3323
Nosara, Costa Rica
Tel 506 2682-5049
Founded in January of 1999 the refuge has been a place for the injured, displaced and orphaned wildlife from Nosara and the Nicoya Peninsula region of Costa Rica for 15 years.
Initially these animals arrived at the Refuge for Wildlife from our local neighborhood, soon from the entire Nosara area and now from all over Costa Rica. Many of the new arrivals are very young orphaned Howler Monkeys. They arrive in backpacks, wrapped in T-shirts, towels, cardboard boxes and grocery bags.
The Refuge receives and treats all types of wild animals. The Howler Monkeys have become our specialty.
At the Refuge Clinic our team of professionals and volunteers provide immediate and long-term medical attention. Injured adult animals that require continuing care will be quarantined for a period then transferred to outdoor encl