Mainly a channel where I upload rap and hip-hop music with lyrics. I try to upload one new song every week, so please subscribe to me if you're interested.
Depending on whether I have any extra time, I might also take requests on making lyrics for non rap/hip-hop.
Video Stats:
[X] 500 total video views (02-24-10)
[X] 1000 total video views (03-02-10)
[X] 5000 total video views (04-07-10)
[X] 10,000 total video views (05-04-10)
[X] 15,000 total video views (05-30-10)
[X] 20,000 total video views (06-11-10)
Channel Stats:
[X] 500 channel views (A while ago)
[ ] 1000 channel views
[ ] 1500 channel views
[ ] 2000 channel views