Simon Jensen was born in 1993 and is the son of a well-known
musician. Simon lives in Denmark, but mostly stays in France. Simon has been
playing music since he was 7 years old.
He started playing drums, later it became guitar, now Simon plays many different instruments, here can be mentioned "synthesizer, keyboard, piano, electric guitar, laser harp, drums and many more. In 2017, Simon was acutely hospitalized due to his bad heart , he had to undergo a long operation here, and it is not known if Simon would survive. Shortly after the operation, Simon composed the song "I love you", which was a cape for his wife. Since then, many more songs have been released on the album " Love "in 2020. Simon is known for the person he is. No one knows who his father is, but we know he lives in France.
Simon's music is inspired by his life.