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カワウソさくら 引っ張られても離さない豚ぬいぐるみ!でも飼い主が離れると…? otter holding a stuffed pigs カワウソさくら 猫が好きすぎるカワウソ、カワウソ が好きすぎる猫 Otter who like cat too much, cat who like otter too much カワウソさくら 超かわいい!寝る前のひと時 Cute sleeping appearance of otter カワウソさくらが外の世界を駆け回る!(前編) Walk with otter ① カワウソさくら 昼寝起きのねぼけた姿 Otter waking up during a nap カワウソさくら 偏差値3みたいな顔して猫を探すカワウソ I Help otter find cat カワウソさくら バレンタイン!ついにカワウソの本当の好物をプレゼントしたよ! Otter eat fish カワウソさくら 可愛い後ろ姿!インターホンが鳴ったのでお出迎え Otters responding to intercom カワウソさくら 30万人記念!さくらの部屋紹介します Introducing the otter Sakura's room カワウソさくら 2人がじゃれてる所に飼い主も突撃したら大変なことになった  Play with otter, kitten and their owner カワウソさくら カワウソの尻尾で字や絵が描けるのか!? Otter's tail pen カワウソさくら 忘年会で夜遅くなった飼い主への反応は⁉︎ Otter hugging with owner who returned late カワウソに飼い主が死んだふりをしたら笑撃の結果に… When an owner pretends to be dead to an otter, the result is hilarious... カワウソさくら 飼い主を噛んでしまい心配する Otter worried about biting owner カワウソさくら 飼い主がトイレに入ったらドアから手を突っ込んできた Otter putting her hand at the door カワウソさくら ぎゅっと抱きしめて離れないカワウソハグ! 横編 otter カワウソさくら 足が臭くないので足で遊ぶカワウソ Owner's foot and otter カワウソさくら 一緒に布団に行こうと誘うも返事が適当すぎる Propose to the otter to go to bed together カワウソさくら じゃれあって仲を深めるカワウソ Otters who get along 【カワウソさくら】おっさんがポテチ食べてるかのようなカワウソのご飯タイム otter カワウソさくら 怒られた時のごまかし方が下手すぎる Otter sakura don't care if they get angry カワウソさくら 寝相が異常なくらい可愛すぎて困る otter with a wonderful sleeping appearance カワウソさくら 寝言がうるさいよー Otter's sleep talking カワウソさくら そこで寝ないでと注意したら反撃された!! Otter sleeping on the foot of the owner カワウソさくら 夏の自由研究!VANiGOロボット掃除機と戯れる Otter and robot vacuum cleaner When the otter went to the river, it became wild ! Otter and baby cat just met and now otter waiting for a cat Otters excited about Ehomaki Otter when owner goes out fawn on before going to bed Otter Otter sleeping twice Otter sleeping on owner Otter responds to _meal time_ Otter with a unique sound Payback for an otter that was hugged too much by a cat. Otter eating fish fillet Otter that sleeps using a dried blanket without permission Otter that melt by brushing Fish caught and otter Otter excited by the first snow in a long time. An otter that bites its owner by mistake Otter sleeping in the middle of the room otter wipes itself after a bath, and cat unknowingly interrupts it. Otter who probably believes he's a human child or something.. I used a massager on an otter! Put a jerky on the otter sleeping !! Otter frolicking at the third birthday party !!