Hello my friends and welcome to Etno Collectiva channel. As per name we are collectors of a special music coming to us from all depths of the world. With over 20 years of experience we have created this channel in order to present artists and tracks of extraordinary high quality. Etno Collectiva is on the road to become a very strong and different brand not following the normal paths and concentrating all our knowledge in music in this channel. We will be creating lists here as also in Spotify splited in categories. We promise to do the best that we can but without your support nothing can become real. The only thing we are asking you to do is support our channel by subscribing, like a track if indeed you liked it and make a share. It does not cost anything but this is our power. All our ideas need time and patience to reach a certain goal and we hope we will make it. Etno Collectiva is created with the support of Hotworx Recordings and Harri Agnel.