The majority of videos that I'm doing at the moment are done using my iPhone XR. I'm trying to capture a song or two of each performance that I enjoy. I feel that it's important to not go through life staring at a screen or through a lens but to instead truly experience live music at the moment it's happening. I find it annoying too when everybody has their cell phones or cameras out at shows, but I feel that by just getting footage of a song or two, I am collecting documentation of a musical event that occurred at a particular place and time that serves as a precious memory. Perhaps, the band that is playing has no videos on YouTube and this could help them receive some exposure. Perhaps, I just want to remember a sliver of that performance and post it on YouTube as my souvenir. I only post videos that I believe are good video and sound quality. Someday, I will get a better camera. In the meanwhile, I'm saving up for an analog-to-digital converter to convert some old VHS concerts!