I lik that channel i am link to :))
Age: 9
Goal: 100000 subs
Sinirihil will collab with subhranil fan soOn
subhranil gap of universes
1 (pilot)
2 (escalating of the war)
3 (subhranil across the universes)
4 (major episode, Introduction) Includes subhranil army, clock titan, alex, subhranil
Universe gap is paused for subhranil the domain of alex. ( a long time ago they both fighted (sa vs ttv)
universe gap is more of compliations and whatsoever of fanmade series but subhranil domain of alex will contain my original work like animation or keyframes
Subhranil’s Prime Was October.
Im on my prime and this aint EVEN MY FINAL FORM.