Cali Rezo is a non-figurative artist. Her work is inspired both by the great artists she admires — such as Marfaing, Yu-Ichi, Verdier, Soulages — and by the very heart of natural elements: a drop of water, a feather, a stone.
The radicality of her painting is achieved by using a monochrome palette of blacks and whites where shapes evolve ultimately into a meaning, a sign, a writing which echoes an intimate memory of the original gesture.
Each painting is the culmination of an obstinate search for repeated signs aimed at recovering the emotion of the very first traced signs of her own life.
The texture of her paintings is poised between matt black empty areas, silky matte effects evocative of polished pebbles and the glossy reflections of the environment—its colors, movement and depth.
- E.P. (Translation J.R.)