YouTube をご視聴の皆様、はじめまして、2024年2月1日よりYouTube を開設しました虚無僧という者です。
Hello to all YouTube viewers, I am Komuso, and I started YouTube on February 1, 2024.
As someone who was born and raised in Kyoto, I have decided to start posting videos in the hope that I can introduce the good qualities of Kyoto as I feel them.
I decided to start this video distribution service to introduce the good things about Kyoto as I feel them.
I will mainly distribute videos of Kyoto and other areas in the Kansai region, but I also hope to occasionally introduce videos of my hobbies.
I hope that they will help you feel the beauty of Kyoto and help you when you visit Kyoto,I will try my best to help you feel the goodness of Kyoto and help you when you visit Kyoto.