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Sergio Cárcamo

1.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Images of the world

December 19, 2024 December 19, 2024 December 2, 2024 Catching Shaymin Lobo Vásquez and his wife Magalí Plane crash in Iztapa Escuintla Guatemala Appearance of Queen Elizabeth II in the currency Espectacular show de luces con drones Dancing Robot Pioneer ZR142-1 IT clown beheads Ronald McDonald Real-size animatronic triceratops Mujer imitando a Ana Gabriel Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal about to kiss Tom Holland dancing Terrible accident! Globe burns in flames. Distracted woman barely manages to save her son UFO flying over Turkey Rat fight Myra Hess Motown How to properly mix a protein shake Abuelita danzarina Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris devoured by fire Canto de Quetzal Remedio para la depresión Tilly Bickford en el Congreso de Guatemala Surrealistic pictures of Tilda Swinton Ghost has fun playing on the swing Very rare swirl of sand at Chichen Itza Jaelous cat hits the face of her human Plastic bag drifting through the wind Gatito jugando con pececitos El ciclo de la vida Tierno gatito HAARP experiment causes an unusual tornado in Guatemala Venezuela manifiesta apoyo a Presidente Juan Guaidó Cat hunting a pigeon Accidente de grúa en Empresa Portuaria Quetzal Escalator out of control injures several people in Rome Accidente de tránsito en Cuesta Villalobos Guatemalan lady curses the German national football team Lahar desciende de Volcán de Fuego, destruyendo un puente Erupción del Volcán de Fuego, Junio 2018 Erupción del Volcán de Fuego vista desde La Reunión Golf Resort, Junio 2018 Cruel punishment for a naughty cat Cat's world Queen bird Miraculous sign in Holy Week Creepy clown IT animatronic