Hello i am indo09 529 or (everyone calls me Indo) i was born on april 28 2006 in united states and i like dinosaurs, Godzilla, and anime too an Jurassic park\world
And also join our discord (rise of the idiots old one "not been active", my server died and deleted)
server too an follow my Twitter (died) too.
I have Instagram now
Follow my second Instagram account is gabrielcampbell04282006 or Gabriel Campbell / real indoraptor09 529:(
I'm working on Godzilla vs Strelizia Saga series and done with kinda awful Jurassic World Horror Reboot, canceled the whole Godzilla final wars vs Slenderzilla series, and only Godzilla fan made series is Godzilla vs Strelizia Saga series though, so yeah.
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