Azadari Channel.
Note : Channel is not responsible for any speech related dispute on videos . Orator will provide references in case of any objection . In case of any objection please contact speaker directly . This channel is all about ' Azadari ' . Our chief purpose is to propagate the supreme sacrifice of Hz Imam Hussain ( AS ) with ' Majlis ' , ' Nauha ' Manqabat ' Juloos ' etc. through audios and videos . Besides our channel gives ample opportunity to Zakireen and Nauha - khawan to publicize Azadari with their speeches , Nauha , Majlis etc. Pray for us .
Khuda Hafiz !
Disclaimer- The Words & Opinions expressed in nohas / majlise / manqabat / juloose / by the speakers / reciter do not necessarily reflects the opinion of AZA E LUCKNOW CHANNEL