Hello and welcome to the Secret-Anonymous-Tutorials.
We are a group of anonymous people who make tutorials for you to learn and improve your editing.
You're more than welcome to take a guess on who each of these anon-teachers are and if you get it right, we'll say so in the next video and do a little shout out too. ♥
Leader -
♣ Sayaka Miki: Aero.
"Hi guys! Little introduction, I'm an anime editor but I edit more with pictures and doujins. I will do my best to give hints and who I may be~"
♠ Neko: Neko.
"Hi well, ummo~ I don't know what to say but I mainly edit with Anime and on rare occasions Manga, I have a lot of fun editing and it's my mission to show everyone how fun it can be."
♥ Pico: John
''Heyy I'm John I like anime and stuff. I edit with pictures mostly and i'm going to do tutorials about SV, AE and PS.''