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Loess Brothers

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Hello, everyone, this is the Loess Brothers, we are from nor

菜园子里兄弟几人摘青椒,虎皮辣椒吃又香又辣,根本停不下来【黄土兄弟】 Sheep kidney is good sheep kidney is wonderful sheep kidney ate let you unexpected!# Loess Brothe Revenge on the spot! Splash water effect pull full! One step two steps the devil's pace! Jianguo this happy strength hold! Xiao Bo sang a song! No one can match this soul singing!# funny# singing# rural life Loess three brothers magic dance! What a feeling!# Funny# Dance# Ghost Animal 黄土兄弟尝试红烧肉包子,油光满口配小菜【美味挑战】 为了请人要账,小伙炖一道铁锅炖大鹅来犒劳,结果却是这样子要账 腊月天天杀猪菜,幸福满满! 杀猪团队那家强,黄土兄弟来帮忙!500斤大猪三分钟撂倒! 年猪宴乐聚亲友,共庆丰收热闹场面! Rural brothers play rope skipping competition who lose who buy meat! 农村赶大集,人间烟火气,就是美! The countryside to catch up with the big fair the world fireworks is the beauty! 陕北特色小吃探秘:软糯香甜,诱人食欲! 大冷天,整上一顿热乎乎的酸菜炖排骨烩菜,简直太带劲了! 新年祝福:愿友永远幸福快乐,无烦恼! New year new weather I wish my friends happiness forever never worry! 大铁锅炖羊肉,清汤大块不膻不腻,你说美不美! 陕西过年必吃的八大碗之一小酥肉,农村兄弟来做,干香酥脆味道好! 年夜饭上的必备一道美食,酥鸡,跟着小伙这样做,简单又方便! 这道年夜饭里的美食,八碗之一的烧肉这样做,肥而不腻,入口即化! 过年丸子这样炸,肯定不翻车,外酥里嫩孩子们抢着吃! 家里来朋友,做上一道碳烤猪蹄,直接香到没话说! 年夜饭里不可少的酱肘子这样做,俩兄弟抢着吃,根本不够! 人工养殖的鹿头你们吃过没,小伙整了个红烧着吃,味道绝了 谁家抓猪要喊我,我负责按猪脚~~ 冬天取暖的不只有暖暖的烩菜,还有这三只搞笑的胖天鹅! 美好的陕北乡村生活,就是来上一碗地地道道的油泼面,嘹咋咧! 硬菜配硬酒,朋友聚会就做这道牙签牛肉,保证不醉不归! 落叶尽知深秋,一树一眼千年! 这个胳膊肘往外拐的家伙,又把蛋藏哪了 陕北人就爱这一口,酸菜炖排骨,好吃又解腻 Of course the best match with wine is the spiced beef with delicious sauce. One mouthful of wine a The fat star turned waste into treasure moved out the big iron plate and added the secret seasonin Fat stars do stew the entrance that is eat a silent!# Brother Loess After the work the rice was served with chili and fried meat. It was too much to eat!# Brother Loe 这兄弟三走到哪都能让人捧腹大笑,摘个桃子也能有这么多花样! #food #eat #美食 夏天吃小龙虾真是美滋滋#eat #美食 #cooking 农村小伙豪横买一根牛脖子,整根下锅卤的麻辣鲜香,蘸上秘制酱料吃美了!【黄土兄弟】 下雨天最适合吃火锅了!胖星星自创火锅鸡,麻辣鲜香肉嫩得很!【黄土兄弟】 雨天三兄弟跳着欢快的舞蹈,吃着麻辣咸香的钵钵鸡,赞不绝口!【黄土兄弟】 养的小鸡被“老黄妖”吃了,兄弟俩一不做二不休,自己也吃一只【黄土兄弟】 这兄弟三走到哪都能让人捧腹大笑,摘个桃子也能有这么多花样! 三兄弟下地种玉米,胖星星做羊头犒劳兄弟,之间抱着啃太爽了【黄土兄弟】 兄弟三来到大美吴起,还没来的及好好的转一转,先美美饱餐一顿! 农村兄弟玩接纸小游戏,结果自称默契的俩人洋相频出【黄土兄弟】 胖星星给兄弟们做可乐酱猪蹄 #food #delicious #美食