First off... to certian Country Music publishing companies... There is NO copyright infringement intended here as we are not selling or trying to sell any of these videos. We have no sponsers, and this is strictly done for amusement. Attacking some of your best customers (and fans) only makes your artists apperar to be petty and shallow. That being said, Donohoe & Grimes is an Albuquerque New Mexico (USA) based Acoustic Duo. Jeff Donohoe, Bass & Vocals, Mike Grimes, Guitar & Vocals...
Classic/Pop Rock, Folk, (Bug Music) etc.
I have been asked..."What is PecosMT?"
The Grass Covered Mountains of Pecos are just North of here. I spent much of my childhood building a cabin on Grass Mountain with my family; about a quarter mile from this meadow. I now share the experience, the cabin, and the serenity of the New Mexico mountains with my own son Dustin.