Every time I walk into an auction and see a big box of home movies, slides, or photos without fail someone says "Who is going to buy that?" When I hear that I want to stand up and scream at the top of my lungs, I AM!!! I am a person who buys other peoples memories.Change your point of view and ask "What would happen if no one bought it?", sadly most of the time it would end up in the trash. Memories are not the only thing in those big boxes. Great stories of people, places, and experiences are in there too.A home movie, not only shows us what that family experienced, but what hundreds if not thousands of other families, did too. It is the closest thing we have to a time machine! A letter home from a soldier will give us a moment in his life, but if we can combine that with his baby photos and home movies of his kids we can see his larger story.That big box of stuff on that table is someone's story and I think that should be treasured, not thrown away.