京都生まれの散歩好き『Gori Lion』が歩き撮りしたドキュメンタリー動画です(散歩中の音はマイクで収音していますが、ナレーションは一切ありません)。ほぼノーカット編集なので、動画の長さが散歩に掛かった時間になります。
This is a documentary video taken by a walk-loving "Gori Lion" born in Kyoto (the sound during the walk is picked up by a microphone, but there is no narration). Since it is almost uncut editing, the length of the video is the time it took to take a walk.
Instead of processing the image beautifully, it flows as it is. Walk to every corner of the city of Kyoto.
* Since the fall of 2021, I have been shooting with a camera attached to my bicycle. After taking a video while walking for about two years, I thought that I could go farther quickly with a bicycle, so I decided to take a video with a bicycle.