Presenting a feast of literature for readers 1 to 101 through straightforward readings, unmarred by my likeness. We recommend viewers purchase the books to read as a family, to enjoy over and over again, as books become loved friends that are remembered for a lifetime!
To enhance the reading experience, in each description are five questions that can spark teachable moments from that reading to help learn more about your child's thoughts, the world around us, hone positive character traits, and/or open discussion about issues brought up in the reading that we might not agree with but can be used to better our understanding of other peoples actions, history as being presented, and/or whether our beliefs mirror or differ from what was given in the reading and why - strengthening family beliefs.
Marty Kafarty, played by my kiddos, will also make an appearance in fun little blips with his puppet friends about life as a camel sees it.
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