︵ Hi
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My name is jay, IM A GUY! This channel is a really goofy channel so.. yea.. but I still want to make it to 1k subs! But that won’t be happening anytime soon.. But right now we are on the road to 350 subs! We are sooo close so please subscribe!
Name (or nick name) - Jay
Age - 12 - 17 (can’t say)
Height - “5,1”
Hobbies - video games, playing w/ family and watching TD and DC (disventure camp and Total drama
Food - fries, pizza, and almost every vegetable
If you couldn’t tell my fav character from TD is scary girl and Leshawna. My fav character from DC is fiore and alec!!!
I’m bored so I’ll finish this never!
God is life ✝️
50 subs✅
100 subs✅
125 subs✅
150 subs✅
200 subs✅
250 subs✅
300 subs✅
350 subs❌
400 subs❌
425 subs❌
475 subs❌
500 subs❌