I am Anuradha Minocha, a certified LOA coach, Ho,oponopono practitioner and Numerologist. In this channel I am sharing my knowledge my experience which has helped me to grow in life using Law of attraction and other methods.
I also love to talk about Angel numbers which has been an integral part of my journey.
I conduct Free webinar related to ho'oponopono technique and give paid sessions on ho'oponopono and LOA. Also of numerology. If you want to get some guidance related to above mentioned service you can mail me.
My channel started on 3rd March 2020
Stay tuned for my upcoming videos. New videos are uploaded on Monday and Thursday.
I really hope my channel gives you positivity and some guidance to make your life better.
#lawofattraction #angelnumber #switchwords #angelnumber1111 #manifestdreamhome #hooponoponohealing
#negativethinking #howtomanifest #manifestationtechniques
My ID is anuminocha45@gmail.com