The Squat Brigade are a group of fashionable young men from Long Island, New York.
Subscribe if you are interested in a wide variety of videos uploaded on a (somewhat) regular basis.
Genres include: Gameplay/commentary, video blogs, original sketches, short films and slice of life videos from a group of Super Sugoi gentlemen.
TheSquatBrigade consists of:
Ricky, a.k.a"Breadstickboss"a.k.a "RickTheDick"a.k.a. "Splishy Splashy Kim Kardashi"
Michael, a.k.a"Quindarrious Gooch"a.k.a"Louis Le Prince"a.k.a"20 much munny"a.k.a"Aniki"
Thomas, a.k.a" TomlisPerropidon"a.k.a"Lambchops"a.k.a"ThomasTheTankEngine"a.k.a"Light up the Night"a.k.a"Neckbear"a.k.a"Mitch Digger"
Nicholas, a.k.a"Nick"a.k.a"Atheismo"a.k.a"NikkiBoi"a.k.a"My Man Shazaam"a.k.a"WonderWoman"a.k.a"The Heartman"
Dan, a.k.a"Nathantal Lombearto"a.k.a"Naderder Lontuchi"a.k.a"Babyfaceboots"a.k.a"Mr.Bones"
Alan, "a.k.a"aglan"a.k.a"Akachan"a.k.a"The Scarlett Speedster"a.k.a"Kush Da great"a.k.a"Quallagio"