▼ 文藝復興基金會是非牟利慈善文化機構,以香港為基地,聯合兩岸四地民間力量,支持獨立文藝創作,培育優秀創作人才,培養獨立文藝觀眾,以期推動多元,掀起浪潮。基金會透過藝術教育、藝文演出、跨界交流、創作資助等,拓展藝文創作空間,推動香港及華人社會多元包容的藝術發展。
▼ As a charitable institution, Renaissance Foundation takes Hong Kong as its home and aims to foster creative synergy and development across Chinese communities. Through a variety of activities ranging from creative education and performances, to cultural exchanges and sponsorship, it is determined to nurture new generations of creative talents with a vibrant, independent spirit, and to build a culturally diverse and creatively sustainable society, for now and for the future.