Here we attack the online tax lies and keep things real!
Tj sums it up best,
"If you think that there are special tax codes the IRS doesn't want you to know about or loopholes that will magically give you lots of money back, you’re one humongous step towards being audited. The bottom line is there are legitimate tax forms that do all the things people think are secret and that’s what 30 years of experience gets you. And that's why I love coming to work every day because using the correct forms works better than all bs."
Deep dive into the tax world, cracking the code of all the tax rules and making them simple to understand so you can use them to your advantage. Tj our main host, brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, practical advice, stories, and strategies that he's gained from over 30 years in the tax field!
Check in each Friday so you don't miss out on valuable tax topics and business insights!
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