Welcome to my channel! On my channel I’ll be posting BA ( baby alive ) videos and maybe some type of vlog in the future🐒
MY SECOND CHANNEL - @lowkeyjs_em
I own around 26 baby alives! ( maybe idk I’m to lazy to count ) and my channel is aimed at kids to teens😋
My videos are pretty care free but I do love to edit and film A LOT 😼
Stuff about me ( if u care )
-I’m between the ages of 12-16
-I’ve been collecting dolls since around 2017
-my fav type of doll is the snack & lily/ snack & luke
-I have a cat😽
-irl name is Emily
Any other questions? Or any question abt a video? Comment it on a community posts (whichever one is most recent)😸
Oki bye