in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Just following up from the poll from the other night, make sure you make your vote before tomorrow afternoon because I will start our SMTV Vengeance runs tomorrow. I don't have an exact time right now because I'll have a busy morning but make sure you cast your vote. Right now we're literally 50/50 for Hard Mode or God Born mode and I'm genuinely surprised at that unless you guys voting for Hard Mode are doing it because of my completely not intentional Meanie Penie, Mara picture for it lol
4 - 0
Alright everyone, I know it's been a hot minute again~ I can explain, I got sucked into work and other things and lost free time 😭 but I'm coming back, swearsies. I might regret giving you all the options to choose this BUT I'm gonna come back with SMTV Vengeance to do a Canon of Creation and Canon of Vengeance run. My main question to you all is would you rather I do a hard mode run through both routes OR do a God Born run through both? Note, I'm not doing a Hard God Born run, I value what little sanity I have left.
3 - 1
Just a quick update, there may or may not be any stream this week. My original plan was to try to stream every Friday but one of my friends became fairly sick over the last week and then starting my classes again with that has eaten up most of my free time recently. I'm going to try and get Boktai in again this week if I can but just so you don't all think I disappeared again since I did that for a good 3+ years until recently lol
16 - 0
Sad news today. Part being that we'll likely never get a conclusion to Berserk but the worst being that the creator: Kentaro Miura has passed away at the age of 54, younger than my parents. I've joked about it never getting finished with a few friends like @ColonelBenSP but I never hoped that would be the case and it would be just that. Life is too short to take for granted.
You deserve your rest Miura-san, thank you for everything.
34 - 1
Obviously Tokyo Xanadu didn't happen yesterday. Got home a lot later than I thought and company came over and was here the majority of the night. Going live in a bit though and anyone who misses it, don't worry the stream archive will be uploaded later.
10 - 1
Edit: Obviously not happening tonight, got home A LOT later than I thought and had random company so I'll try for tomorrow morning 4/9.
Can't give an exact time since I don't know when I'll be done back home tomorrow morning but I'll probably start streaming Tokyo Xanadu over on Twitch tomorrow. Been on my backlog for forever and when I started it the other night finally, it's pretty fun. Need to find something to balance me out of Rise
11 - 0
Whelp was going to edit and upload my stream archive from tonight on Twitch of Super Mario 3D World with my buddy but didn't realize the game audio was distorted and messed up. That's 6hrs of stuff gone, lol rip
8 - 1
We're officially 100% done with Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity now. I hope everyone who was interested enjoyed it. Now it's time to figure out how to get the online on it running so I can do other stuff with it.
17 - 11
Happy New Year everyone and congrats on making it through 2020. Hopefully 2021 isn't as shitty lol
18 - 3
Hey everyone, Warren here or what I go by on most forums, sites, etc. ZEROthefirst. I'm here to upload Playthroughs/Let's Plays and random shtick for anyone to enjoy. Just here for fun so if I don't upload/stream something, chances are I've been busy or just haven't been in a mood to play anything.