See my deviantART account for sprite previews!
I have NOT quit ROBLOX.
Welcome to the channel of moi, where I care about making Pokemon sprites and aiding upcoming spriters. I also am an amateur animator, working in Flash and Photoshop to bring out my artistic skills. I totally don't like the idea of becoming a Partner of Youtube, although I'd get a shiny banner, it wouldn't feel right having ads and removing my music. Plus, I'm not good with making music of my own. :P
My favorite Pokemon are Espeon and Marowak; my favorite Digimon is MetalSeadramon; my favorite animals are cats and reptiles.
deviantART: TheCatstorm
ROBLOX: Catstorm
I don't own Pokemon, Furbies, Mario, Kirby, ROBLOX, music used in my videos etc. BUT CATSTORM IS MINE.
I don't:
a)give out personal information
b)want to online chat with you
c)want to online date you
d)want to "sub4sub"
e)do well at Mario Paint Composer
f)sub people unless I enjoy their videos.